
Becoming a member of a church is a way that we identify with other people who have committed themselves to living as a follower of Jesus Christ.

We’re honored that you want to become a member of Lighthouse Covenant Fellowship.

Contact the church office for next steps.


Transformation Through Discipleship

Our discipleship pathway is all about being transformed into the image of Jesus (Romans 12:2). We accomplish this through online video training with our online partner RightNow Media, completion of a spiritual gifts assessment, and one-on-one real-life discipleship mentoring. 

We believe this pathway will allow all those who desire to become a disciple of Jesus the opportunity and training to gain knowledge and skills in hearing God's voice, applying God's word, and creating other disciples.


Baptisms & Baby Dedications

Baby dedications are ceremonies in which Christian parents dedicate their infant to God and make a promise to raise their child in a godly way.

In addition to baby dedications, we conduct baptisms for youth and adults who make a declaration of faith to Jesus Christ.

Contact the church office for more information.


Small Groups

Small group meetings allow for fellowship and Bible study. Meetings are held twice a month in homes in Benicia, Vallejo, Fairfield and Woodland. Due to COVID, all small groups have moved to online-only meetings.

Contact the church for info about a small group near you.
